Had a Greens branch meeting tonight. I had a shocking migraine, but managed to successfully deny its existence and carry on as best I could. Tonight my branch decided it would fundRead More…
Baxter 05 Planning Meeting
Went to a Baxter 05 planning meeting tonight held by Refugee Action Collective. Got through a lot of business as per usual. A very efficient bunch. It’s just so good to beRead More…
Tales From a Suitcase
Tonight I attended a screening at the Metro of an SBS documentary ‘Tales From a Suitcase’. The evening was put on by Refugee Action Collective to raise money for the Baxter 05Read More…
International Women’s Day Rally and March
Hello hello hello. Today I marched in solidarity with Queensland women to speak out against injustices women experience in the local community and the world at large. After some speeches at KingRead More…
Rally to repeal all anti-abortion laws
The reason I’ll be going… Abortion is still illegal in Queensland – and now some draconian members of our community want to go back in time and again debate legislation that restrictsRead More…
Minnippi Protest
I could only spare an hour today to join the protesters at Minnippi West. I really enjoyed talking to the many people who took time out from their Sunday adventures to pullRead More…
A dog, a cat and a lake
The dog and the cat were friends. It may sound like an unusual pairing, but for them it made sense. The dog, although quite old, was very much like a puppy. HeRead More…
Interview on 4ZZZ – Minnippi Parklands
Today I was interviewed on 4ZZZ as part of their news program. I spoke about the problems surrounding a golf course, conference centre and housing estate proposed for 125 ha of BrisbaneRead More…
It’s beginning to look a lot like a Greens meeting…
I have a Bayside Greens branch meeting this evening, so it seems fitting to post my first post in my new blog today!! This is really just a test to see ifRead More…
Live non-stop pop, rock, funk and dance – and a little bit of Green
Supporters of The Greens and fans of original live music will gather for a night of live non-stop pop, rock, funk and dance tunes at Brisbane’s The Indie Temple next Wednesday. TheRead More…
Drugs policy & media misinformation
I thought the information below may be of interest to Bonner residents… In recent days there has been a great deal of media misinformation regarding the Greens’ policy on illicit drugs. TheRead More…
It takes guts to vote outside the two major parties
As the 28-year-old Greens candidate for the new seat of Bonner in the upcoming federal election, Wednesday’s article in The Courier-Mail ‘Women stage takeover of local government’ was an inspiring read. AsRead More…
There’s something about Mary
I’m more comfortable discussing social justice issues than environmental issues, so on Saturday I met with Mary Patchett from the Moreton Bay Environmental Alliance to get some information about the local environment.Read More…
Environment & Community Health
Last Wednesday I met with two Wynnum residents regarding a few local issues including new high voltage powerlines that are set to go in to provide power to Port of Brisbane andRead More…
Chandler Markets – a fly away success!
Set up a Greens stall at the Chandler Markets on Sunday. It was a fly away success. It blew a gale so yes, pun intended. The wind wreaked havok for many ofRead More…
A curfew on airport traffic will improve lifestyle of residents under the flightpath
In last week’s Wynnum Herald a Tingalpa resident wrote a letter to the editor asking how I intend to approach the problem of noise and air pollution from Brisbane Airport. About aRead More…
A friend in need…
A big thank you to my dear friends Carly and Darryl Grant who, this weekend, donated their time to the Bayside Branch of the Queensland Greens to help print and fold flyersRead More…
Australia at the Crossroads
Went to a public meeting at Brisbane’s City Hall tonight. Subject? Australia at the Crossroads. The meeting was an initiative of JustPeace Queensland, a secular, non party-political group concerned about the increasedRead More…
Oil refinery upgrade has bayside resident fuming … fair enough!
In The Courier-Mail today there was an article about the Caltex refinery at Lytton. It said that Caltex (Texaco and Chevron) will forge ahead with an upgrade of its Brisbane refinery despiteRead More…
My mind is open to the east
A lot of people I speak to in my travels ask me where I grew up. I was born in Corinda, spent some time in Ashgrove but for most of my childhoodRead More…