1. I don’t read the comments on Channel 10 or Twitter etc.
2. I understand the power of sharing personal stories and the positive impact it can have on changing the perspectives of individuals and society. It can also benefit the organisation you’re speaking on behalf of. I once created a model about it for a non-profit organisation and also used it in my Masters thesis. I called it “Not Just Coz”.
3. Whenever I speak publicly with my HAES hat on, I am well supported by psychologists and dieticians from HAES Australia. For Mirror Mirror, they captured the supportive comments and shared them with me. Thank you so much. They were wonderful. If you are a health professional, HAES provide training on how to be a more awesome GP, medical specialist, psychologist, dietician, nutritionist, nurse, allied health professional etc. More info here.
4. HAES Australia pays me for my time as someone on their lived experience advisory board. This is what social justice organisations committed to social justice do. They run on the smell of an oily rag. In fact, I don’t even think there’s oil on the actual rag. That explains why they all smell so nice.
5. It is not my role in this dialogue to educate you on fat acceptance, weight neutral care, eating disorders and the science behind the Health At Every Size movement. For that you can go to HAES Australia, Eating Disorders Victoria or the Butterfly Foundation. Or read books. Radical Belonging by Lindo Bacon is a must-read, but anything by Lindo Bacon is. The learning NEVER stops though. Don’t pretend you know stuff because you’ve read a few articles online. I am part of a group called Untrapped. Louise, the course and the women in the group are awesome. My favourite parts are the self compassion meditations.
6. Vaccines work. Climate change is real. Intentional weight loss doesn’t work and weight cycling is bad for your health. More info here. It is important we all understand these facts and take action, so new generations can live differently to us.
7. While valuing and pursuing health is not a moral imperative, I am personally extremely health-conscious and choose to live my life in a health-enhancing way.
8. I have an auto-immune disease. Thin people have them too.
9. Being kind to yourself can reduce inflammation.
10. Being kind to others can make you happy.
11. Todd Sampson is super nice. His appearance on Anh’s Brush With Fame is a must watch.