I love this song from my youth and couldn’t find the lyrics anywhere on the web, so transcribed them for self therapy.

I love this song so by Things Of Stone And Wood much. Totally under-rated political songwriting awesomeness. Nice one fellas. Resonates today more than ever, sadly.

Across this land everybody settle down
To a night of fitful dreams and strange apparitions
As we tossed and turned we saw ourselves exactly as we are
And not surprisingly, we found it frightening

Well you don’t choose the place or choose the time
But history’s a slippery slide
Be careful of those nasty drops down to the right
When you hit it must seem a pretty good choice
But they give all of our malice voice
What did we expect, we won’t open our arms.

Singing hey
We’re all just earrings to the left of our parents
They’re all just haircuts to the left of theirs.
And we all wonder why do Nazis grow like wild flowers?

Hey Helly let’s ditch the college hype
We’ll throw seeds of doubt at passers by
They will cross on to our side
We’ll sing ourselves into the night
As we cast off all those strange facades
We’ll see that we’re all uniquely scarred
By the same hand.
Beneath the same smile.

Singing hey
We’re all just earrings to the left of our parents
They’re all just haircuts to the left of theirs.
And we all wonder why do Nazis grow like wild flowers?

Coz everybody dreams the same visions in the end
I know everyone feels trapped and tired
So if you see a strange door to the left
Then drop your things and RUN FOR IT!

Singing hey
We’re all just earrings to the left of our parents
They’re all just haircuts to the left of theirs.
And we all wonder why do Nazis grow like wild flowers?

One thought on “Why Do Nazis Grow Like Wild Flowers?

  1. THANK YOU for writing this out. This song has been in the back of my mind for YEARS, but has been impossible to google. Thank you for making it possible! <3

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