Rongo Community Reproductive Health Program

Hi everyone,

Happy New Year! I’m excited to share that we exceeded our Give Girl Power Christmas fundraiser target by $200 raising a total of $700 which, in terms of impact, means 70 girls in Migori, Kenya can get access to sanitary protection for the first 3 months of their 2106 schooling.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!

As for the sex ed, I believe Chris is keen to put some of those funds towards starting a sex ed program.

We’ve received lots of suggestions from supporters about the concept of giving girls access to the sanitary cup (e.g. ruby cup) rather than sanitary pads as it’s much more ecologically sustainable. We are definitely looking into this option, but until it’s mainstream in Australia I’m hesitant to impose the concept on Chris and the girls.

That said, as soon as we build capacity on the ground and can run a strong education campaign to accompany the use of the cup, sanitary pads is the best we can do (tampons require greater hygiene requirements).

Until then, as always, getting these girls educated is key and has flow on effects for everything else.

In 2016 I will be running my media/marketing business Glorytells as a social enterprise with 100% of profits going back to the Migori fund (after business expenses are paid). I have a wonderful team to support this enterprise while I concentrate on supporting my major freelance client and growing my freelance portfolio. I hope to officially launch Glorytells within the next few months.

Thanks again and all the best to you, your family and friends in 2016.

Elissa. xo

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