I haven’t blogged in a while so on the way home I was thinking about all the things I could blog about …
– About how I refuse to confront mapgies this year on the way to work (too stressful), so I’m going to just avoid parkland weekdays until November. Am happy to confront them on weekends when my coping capacity is higher.
– About how my new seat has busted. It has torn already (pathetic!) and one of the 10 or so springs has broken (annoying!). This happened after 10 days. Also, breaking in the new seat, I experienced saddle soreness for the first time. Cycle blogs from chicks about this topic make for horrendous reading, so count yourselves lucky you miss out on reading that post!
– About how a colleague at work today was talking about how she just paid $985 for 4 new tires and a wheel alignment. This made my new bicycle battery requirement of $750 seem, well, AWESOME!!
And then karma struck.
Granted it’s my first flat tire since I started cycling a year ago. Being I cycle everyday, I’m happy with that lifespan (unlike the damn seat!). I’m also happy it happened within walking distance of home and after I’d gone up all the hilly bits.
I also love that it’s deliciously flat. You can’t get flatter than this! The squelchy, swooshy noise it makes was pretty cool too.
The only problem with this whole thing is, well, um, I hate to admit it but I wouldn’t have a damn clue how to change a tire!
Self Rescuing Princess FAIL!!!!