I left work at 6pm tonight because, despite having a stack of work to do, I was hungry. Working from home with dinner in my belly seemed like the only solution.

I rugged up. I forgot my jumper yesterday, so tonight’s ride was very different from the rather crisp (freezing?) ride home yesterday.

I was warm, but my god – the traffic was insane! The cars! The buses! The pedestrians! It was complete madness.

I trust no car, so when the green man flashed at me and beeped at me I travelled half way across the crossing and knew – just KNEW – that the car coming around the corner wouldn’t see me. I had to stop half way across the crossing to be seen. I grinded to a halt and refused to move forward until the car stopped. It did.

It’s hard to tell if a car hasn’t seen you or HAS seen you and is just being a jerk-face and refusing to slow down until right at the last minute. You know, someone channelling Shane Warne. Either way it freaks me out and serves no purpose in terms of traffic flow.

Then a bus almost hit me. Then I almost hit a pedestrian. All is fair in love and peak hour traffic war I guess.

So much for leaving work on time. I think I’d rather starve than face that again. 7pm makes for a much more relaxing trip home I’ve gotta say!

Pedestrians are much friendlier; we exchange more smiles. Buses are much slower; they’re not behind schedule so less inclined to play cat and mouse. And cars are fewer and far between. Cars, in fact, become vehicles with human beings driving them.

I guess that makes midnight cycling peace time. Bliss.

2 thoughts on “All is fair in love and peak hour traffic war

  1. I hope you’re coming to the city chic cycling event on Friday night in KGS? Then we can download together 🙂 Shall we meet at South Bank and ride over together?

    I saw you the other day riding up near that supermarket at Moorooka – great bike and love the yellow stip across your shoulders – how could a car miss that?????

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