Sooooo, a mate of mine was riding to work yesterday in the joy that is this Brisbane rain.

Although my friend said he’s taken this corner in all sorts of wet weather conditions and he simply had the misfortune of being a slippery victim of the pesky white line, I do love the big ‘caution’ sign.

Poor bugger hit the pavement with his face, so I’m feeling for him right now. A faceplant isn’t something I particularly want to experience.

Interestingly, in talking of my keen-ness to get back on the bike, people keep saying to me things like ‘Yeah but not in this weather’. Funny thing is, this is actually the best weather to cycle and not drive a car or catch a bus. Wet weather = traffic jams. Cycling means you happily avoid them with a warm (albeit soggy) glow of righteousness!

My mate captured this stint on his Gopro. I want one!! Must investigate.

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