The Green Institute is doing some extraordinary work. I’m so proud to be involved. This is the stuff that gets me out of bed in the morning.

We have two upcoming national events next week in Canberra, one for the general public about multi-party government and the other for Greens members about greening government.

Be sure to come along if you’re in town. Alternatively, if you’re not a local and you’re a member of The Greens, be sure to contact your state-based Greens party and ask them to fund your attendance, particularly if you are passionate about the BIG ISSUES OF THE DAY or are a young person looking to be inspired by state and federal MPs and their talented staff.

More details below or online at

Hopefully see you there!


Is multi-party government good for Australia?

Public forum: entry by donation
4 pm – 6 pm, Friday 15 April 2011
Haydn Allen Tank, ANU, Canberra

Multi-party government is the norm in many countries but a novelty at the national level of Australian politics. What are the dynamics of multi-party government, its strengths and weaknesses and its implications for parties, politics and the future? Is it good for Australia? What lessons can we draw from overseas and Australian experience? Hear the views of speakers and participate in the discussion.

Presenters include:
– Senator Christine Milne speaking from experience as a participant in Labor and Liberal minority governments in Tasmania and the current Australian parliament
– Prof John Warhurst political scientist and observer of Australian politics
– Hon Nick McKim Tasmanian Greens Leader and first Greens minister in Australia
– Dr Katrin Steinack from Germany, currently a researcher in Monash University’s parliamentary careers project, giving an international perspective

Greening Government

9.00–5.00 pm, Saturday 16 April 2011 Canberra

What do the Australian Greens need to do to prepare ourselves for the next five years? What should we aim to achieve by 2015 to count ourselves successful? Greens members are invited to participate in a wide-ranging challenging discussion and to join us for dinner on Friday evening after the multi-party government forum.

Registration fees: $80/$35 unwaged. Dinner: $35/$25 unwaged. Please register by COB Wednesday 13 April.

Billets: We will try to find billets for visitors to Canberra. If you can offer one please fill in your details here; if you would like one, let us know via the registration form.

Scholarship: If you would like to request a scholarship for the workshop (i.e. waiver of the registration fee) please write a short letter to the organisers. Offers to sponsor attendees would be very welcome.

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