Dear Moreton Residents,

As a fellow Moreton resident, I am reaching out to you today in my capacity as the Greens candidate for the federal electorate of Moreton.

The Australian Greens are the fastest growing political party in Australia. I am proud to represent a party that takes a stand on issues the other parties avoid. Last election more than a million Australians voted for the Greens and we have five elected Senators. Moreton residents need the Greens in the Senate to break the deadlock between the old parties and Greens in the lower house to provide an alternative, progressive voice in Parliament.

In the lead up to the election, you have the opportunity to support the local Greens campaign in a number of ways. However, today I am writing to you to specifically ask for your permission to place a Greens sign in a prominent position in your front garden or on your fence. It would be a wonderful advantage to secure your support.

Unlike the other major parties, The Greens do not accept donations from big business which means our campaign budget is very small. This is a great way you can help us get a big bang for our buck.

If you’re happy for us to place a sign in your front yard or fence, please email and provide your full name, address and phone number. We will then seek the appropriate Council permission on your behalf. Please note election signs may only be displayed 4 weeks before the election date.

If you have any questions about The Greens campaign in Moreton, please feel free to contact me anytime. If you’d like to volunteer in other ways (e.g. letterboxing, on stalls, or election day), we’d love to hear from you.

Thanks so much for considering this request. It means a lot.

Yours sincerely,

Elissa Jenkins
Greens Candidate for Moreton

2 thoughts on “You can help support The Greens in Moreton

  1. You perthetic piece of shit how dumb are you greens alias the como party get out of this country before you are the ones that actually screw it to death.I would love to know what sort of home you live in and the car you drive.And how you cook dinner tonight.Crall under a rock for another million years.You seem to like using techknowledgy for your bitching but dont agree with it that just shows me how perthetic you greens are.

  2. Spot on graeme hedley i think most of austrailias population thinks the same………..nn1

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