THE GREENS today launched their campaign in Moreton with Lead Queensland Greens Senate candidate Larissa Waters, tipped to be Queensland’s first Greens Senator, visiting the electorate to support the local Moreton electorate fronted by seasoned campaigner Elissa Jenkins.

Both opting for values-based careers in the community sector, Larissa and Elissa are typical of the new crop of Greens supporters – progressive, passionate and positive about the future. And proud to talk Greens politics.

Greens candidate for Moreton Elissa Jenkins, who lives in Moorooka and was born and raised in Brisbane’s south west, said that with the Greens the third political force in Australia, Moreton residents needed the Greens in the Senate to keep a check on both major parties and Greens in the lower house to provide an alternative, progressive voice in Parliament.

“A vote for the Greens in Moreton is fundamental to securing a green future for Australia and for driving global action,” said Ms Jenkins.

“Electoral success for the Greens will deliver a sustainable and just future for Queenslanders,” she said.

Larissa Waters is widely tipped to be the first Greens Senator for Queensland.

“Our team is offering voters a carbon tax on polluters; bringing home Australia’s troops from Afghanistan; a universal dental care scheme; and humane treatment of asylum seekers in Australia,” said Ms Waters.

“The Australian Greens are campaigning strongly on environmental issues including climate change action, the creation of marine national parks, protecting native forests and wildlife and saving the Darling Downs farmlands from the damage caused by coal seam gas mines and open cut coalmines.”

“Queensland is an important state to the Australian Greens and we are offering a high quality team of candidates at this election,” she said.

According to Ms Jenkins, a vote for the Greens in Moreton is a vote to:

– increase funding for public education, eliminate ‘league tables’, abolish university fees and forgive HECS-HELP debts;
– celebrate multiculturalism and promote a culture of compassion and support for refugees and asylum seekers;
– enhance access to quality health care, housing, income support and support services for elderly, disabled and disadvantaged people;
– address the housing crisis, including our own shortage of affordable rental properties, by implementing progressive planning guidelines that require a social mix of housing;
– encourage research into and use of renewable energy sources to reduce our reliance on coal and other fossil fuels.

Details at and

3 thoughts on “Proud to talk politics: Greens launch Moreton campaign

  1. Got luck Elissa. We need more strong local candidates like you in parliament!

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