Well my friend and I were late for the march because we had to drop off some signs at the Refugee Action Collective stall at the RNA showgrounds, but with plenty of running and huffing and puffing (and someone to drive us), we did eventually catch up to the back of the march. Fortunately that’s where the RAC group were.

I didn’t think I’d make it to the march today because I had a late night last night. However, I made some wise decisions to ensure I made it and I’m most happy that I did.

The RAC stall was incredibly busy with many people signing the Christmas Island petition. Our leafleting paid off I feel. The Christmas Island model looked fabulous as well.

The Queensland Greens had a stall and it was nice for them to be giving away drinks to members. 🙂

I know I’ve skimmed the surface of the union issue itself, but I don’t really want to spend more time thinking about Kevin Rudd’s speech than I have to.

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