This morning we went to a forest that was saved from development by the Green Belt Movement and community. Development had started and they still managed to reverse the decision. The forest is now protected by armed rangers to prevent poachers and bushfires.

We had a tree planting ceremony funded by Global Young Greens to help offset our carbon emissions that we all used flying to Nairobi. Each continent planted a tree and the locals will care for these and plan 1000 trees in the correct season.

After that, we headed back to the Conference Centre and split up into interest groups and workshops. I attended one on Africa which was incredibly interesting with the African speakers explaining an array of issues which I noted and will report on at a later date.

I attended an election campaign and media workshop and thoroughly enjoyed a presentation from a young New Zealand Green member, Gareth, who presented a slide show of creative, effective actions he and his campaign team have carried out over the years. Very inspiring and grasped media attention.

I facilitated a youth advocacy workshop at which two speakers shared their experiences of youth work in their countries; a fellow from Mozambique and a fellow from Pakistan.

The conversation was exceptionally important. It turns out that the Kenyan government, during the last election, promised to fund youth and youth organisations. However, the youth haven’t received any of those funds. They were after some tips on how to lobby the government for these funds.

The differences between countries in respect to freedom or speech is vast, with the Kenyan youth clearly silenced. They are not allowed to call a meeting of any sort on campus over the number of 5 people. This means that collective organisation of actions is virtually impossible given that universities are the best place for educated youth to meet.

Settling into the campsite now. A couple of Australians got a bit of a bug, but I’m feeling very healthy and happy here.

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