Dear Jim & SM Editor,

Jim, I appreciated your comments in The Sunday Mail offering readers additional information in relation to the Exclusive Brethren.

I liked your angle that we are all paying a little extra to subsidise their fanaticism. This has to be more widely known, so thank you for pointing that out.

I’d like to add that that Queenslanders also have a right to know how this group spends huge amounts of money promoting the Federal Coalition’s cause. This is a radical Christian sect that denies its members the right to a higher education or the opportunity to join community groups (such as unions); fundamental Australian rights and responsibilities.

This wealthy sect has been able to exclude unions from 30 of its workplaces under Howard’s industrial relations legislation and single women are forbidden from any job where they have authority over men.

I believe those political parties who represent the interests of working families and unions in Queensland such as Labor and the Queensland Greens should continue to reveal the truth about the Exclusive Brethren.

Additionally, those individuals who support education and unionism should really work together to reveal to as many people as possible that the Federal Coalition is advantaged by a group that promotes bigoted, anti-social, unjust and un-Australian values.

A great point from you in The Sunday Mail. Thanks Jim. Appreciate it.

All the best,


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