Dear Mr Greg Bourne and WWF Australia team,

I read with dismay the news that WWF Australia has accepted the federal government’s push to expand uranium mining and

As a Generation X Australian, I cannot believe I am going to have to be part of renewing an anti-nuclear campaign that I thought was fought and won 20 years ago.

I am absolutely dumbfounded that an environmental organisation in Australia is supporting this ludicrous idea.

I write inform you of my thoughts and let you know that I will not be donating any further money to WWF until you reverse your decision.

I understand that WWF International opposes nuclear power as a clean-energy alternative to greenhouse intensive coal-fired power

I pity the staff at WWF – some of who I am certain will not support the organisation’s decision. I hope they find another environmental organisation to work in that will fulfill the very real and rightious goals of the environmental movement in Australia.


Elissa Jenkins, Brisbane.
0418 786 986

4 thoughts on “Open letter to Mr Greg Bourne and WWF Australia team

  1. Hi Elissa,

    Just thought I’d do a bit of mindless, middle-of-the-night nit-picking. You describe yourself as a ‘Generation Y’ Australian, but according to several sources I’ve read, Generation Y’ers were born between 1982 and 2000. You’re not trying to give yourself an age fix, are you? 🙂

  2. Thanks for that insight Mister Dan. I always get mixed up. I’m an X-er. And very sensitive about my age because my youthful heart lies with the Ys. I like to think of myself as on the cusp. I saw a wrinkle the other day too – a dead giveaway.

  3. Hi Elissa.

    I just wanted to let you know that, contrary to reports in The Australian, WWF-Australia has not changed its position on nuclear energy in Australia. WWF and Greg have since made a number of public statements in response to the article you mention. You can see them on the WWF-Australia website:
    WWF says nuclear no answer to climate change
    Australia does not need nuclear energy

    The Australian was contacted with two letters to the editor, one of which was published, making the same point.

    WWF continues to promote renewable and natural gas energy sources as the best way for Australia to achieve the 60% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 that we believe is required to reduce climate change impacts.

    Regards, Grant

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