A friend of mine lives in the country. He’s always wanted to be a wildlife carer and, last night he told me he’s taken the big step and is adopting a baby roo. He’s going to have to feed the roo every 3 hours. It’s a huge commitment. I admire that commitment. Unfortunately, he’s apprehensive about taking the roo to work because he feels it’s a political statement he’s uncomfortable making in his workplace. He’s concerned about one person in particular – a roo shooter or something like that. I said he should be confident and proud to live his lifestyle in the same way this person is confident and proud to live their’s. He told me I didn’t understand. I like to try.

Tonight while driving in the wet I saw a creature injured on the road. It was doing a great job of attempting to crawl across the road. It was a flying fox. I slowed down, got out and waved to the car behind me to not hit the animal. She thought I was in trouble, so turned around and – when she realised it was the bat I was referring to, she left again.

By this time the bat was in the gutter. It was raining really hard and it looked really distressed. The water was gushing over it. I couldn’t see blood. I ran to the car to get a blanket to try to scoop it up. However, I knew they could bite and scratch so was scared to do that. So luckily I had the phone number in my phone of a local wildlife carer. I rang her and she said she’d come out and help me. I was really determined to scoop it up in the blanket so I tried over and over to grab it. Flying fox have such beautiful eyes. They are the cutest creatures up close. The gorgeous little thing didn’t scratch, didn’t bite – it was almost as though it knew I was trying to help it.

Once I helped it onto the sidewalk, it used both its wings to slither across the grass and then it started climbing up the tree. It was really dark and I didn’t have a torch so tried to check it was OK but couldn’t find it.

I rang my wildlife carer friend and told her that I lost it in the tree and she said that I probably saved its life. She said it probably needed to recover for a while and if it was in the tree, it would probably be OK.

It was a pretty emotional experience and I got totally drenched. Wildlife carers saves the lives of our native creatures every day. After tonight’s experience, it’s certainly clear to me why they do it. Amazing stuff.

Oh – and by the way. The woman in the car drove back with a male friend. When they saw the bat was OK they tooted and drove away. That was pleasing. 🙂

One thought on “Wildlife carers – gotta love ’em

  1. Wallace the Wallaroo is a feisty bundle of fun now, weighing just over 2 kilos. Not long now till he will go to live under a house belonging to another carer, where he will receive less human contact, less milk and more grain, until he’s big enough to be released. He’s been a workplace asset really, only those few occasions when I’ve had him at my desk, attracting a lot of positive attention. Yes Eli, I’m proud to be carer, although it’s not quite a ‘lifestyle’ yet – I think I’ll wait a while before taking on another one but it’s been great fun and he’s a real dude.

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