I am running for the seat of Chatsworth in the state by-election to be held on August 20. Below is my candidate statement. Please do feel free to post me a message if you’re after some more information.

**Elissa Jenkins provides a new approach to politics and the opportunity to elect a state representative who is enthusiastic about seeing social and environmental transformation begin at the local level.

Elissa’s comments:

This by-election is the community’s chance to make a positive change – our chance to say yes to quality healthcare services, yes to free public education, yes to sustainable development and yes to families, however they may be constituted.

Born in Brisbane, to migrant parents, I am a first generation Australian of Sicilian, English and Welsh heritage.

I am an ambitious, yet compassionate professional woman who is active within the community and is blessed with a wonderful circle of friends and family.

I am fortunate to be employed full-time as a public relations executive for a prominent charity organisation, co-ordinating fundraising, events and publicity.

I am proud to fly the Greens flag and contest the seat of Chatsworth as I feel it is my role to help make a difference – not for my own back pocket – but to make sure the voice of those with a social, economic and environmental conscience is being heard.

Too often, o­nly those with money and power are given a voice in Queensland. By-elections are an ideal opportunity for oft-ignored voices in the community to be heard. I invite you to take a moment to talk to me or be heard o­n election day by voting for someone who is not o­nly educated and articulate, but who is kindhearted, responsible and works hard every day to shape a fairer world.

This by-election is an ideal opportunity for the community to be courageous and send a message to both major parties.

I am committed to giving a voice to people who are disillusioned by the bland politics of the major parties and those who are sick of hearing economic-driven offerings and would rather hear very real methods to support the underprivileged and protect and sustain our natural environment.

Imagine if the people of Chatsworth voted a Greens representative into state parliament. Imagine having someone with a voice that speaks for those who are struggling or that speaks for those who want to see their lifestyle preserved and enhanced. Imagine the difference that would make to the future strategies of the Beattie government. Imagine the message that would send to the rest of Queensland.

If you’re after a state representative who’s not afraid to ask the tough questions, then I urge you to put me in a position to do so.

If you’re after a state representative who’s committed to finding workable solutions rather than simply spouting rhetoric, then please honour me with the top job.

**Written and authorised by Elissa Jenkins, 11 Sussex Street, West End QLD 4101**

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