The reason I’ll be going…

Abortion is still illegal in Queensland – and now some draconian members of our community want to go back in time and again debate legislation that restricts the rights of women to choose Australia-wide.

This is not about whether you would have an abortion or not; it’s about whether you believe all women in Australia should have the right to choose.

If the right-wing politicians and religious groups want this topic back on the agenda – bloody well give it to them by telling them how you really feel. Basically, that it’s none of their business what women do with their bodies.

Below is a copy of the blurb I received through my networks:

WOMEN should decide – NOT politicians, the church or the media Repeal all anti-abortion laws NOW!

Speakout Friday February 18, 5pm
King George Square steps
Bring placards, banners, and pro-choice voices!

Right-wing politicians, religious groups and the media are fueling an “abortion debate”, which is attempting to further restrict a woman’s right to choose whether or not to terminate her pregnancy.

We need a determined public campaign to oppose the anti-abortion agenda and demand the repeal of ALL
legislation that restricts women’s right to choose.

Queensland has the most restrictive anti-abortion laws of any Australian state. Bigots like local National Party politician Ron Boswell are leading the anti-choice crusade.

The Beattie government should take a pro-active stand in support of women’s right to choose by immediately removing abortion from the state’s criminal code.

Initiated by Socialist Alliance and endorsed by International Women’s Day Collective. For resistance info or endorsement call Lynda on 0439 662 734 or 3831 2644.

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