
Vote 1 Green for a new approach to politics and a fresh face in the new seat of Bonner.

At age 28 I realise I have been blessed with opportunities and enjoyed experiences that are becoming rarer for youth and families.

Increasingly, young people are left to fend for themselves, critical environmental problems are subordinate to economic theory, refugees are locked away out of sight – our communities are crumbling.

I am committed to giving a voice to people who are disillusioned by the sterile politics of the major parties.

I am passionate about encouraging and supporting a just and sustainable society and peaceful, non-violent solutions to national and international problems.

If you’re after a federal representative who’s not afraid to ask the tough questions, then I urge you to put me in a position to do so.

If you’re after a federal representative who’s committed to finding workable solutions rather than simply spouting rhetoric, then please honour me with the top job.

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed at the sad state of the world. This election is our chance to make a positive change – our chance to say yes to universal healthcare, yes to free public education and yes to families, however they may be constituted.

My role is to help make a difference – not for my own back pocket – but to make sure the voice of those with a social, economic and environmental conscience is being heard.

I work full-time as a newspaper writer and editor and freelance as a publicist and web designer.

Born in Brisbane to migrant parents, I am a first generation Australian of Sicilian, English and Welsh heritage.

Bonner residents may spot me walking my black labrador puppy along the Brisbane River at Cannon Hill and along the Wynnum foreshore.

Please e-mail me anytime bonner@qld.greens.org.au.

**Sign up to receive Elissa’s Campaign Trail E-newsletter. To subcribe e-mail bonner@qld.greens.org.au with ‘subscribe campaign trail’ in the Subject line.

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